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Last Updated 12/03/2001


 Portsmouth, NH   Business Meeting Minutes taken November  03, 2001 

Reunion President Herb Potter called the meeting to order at 1655 with 30 members present.

It was announced that Wayne Gaddis has resigned as Treasurer of the Committee.

Motion:  To adopt Bill Morton’s suggestion regarding the makeup of the Board of Directors. (Newsletter Issue #34, June 2001, page 3, item 4.)  Three members would be elected initially to serve 3,2 and 1-year terms.  Thereafter one member would be elected each subsequent year at the reunion for a 3-year term to replace the member whose term is expiring.

Motion made by Vernon Stuard; seconded by Bill McKeen.

Discussion followed.

Vote:  29 for, 1 against.  Motion passed.

Nominations were opened to fill the directors seats.  The following nominations were made, seconded and voted upon:

Director – 3-year term:  Vernon Stuard.  Vote: 28 for, 1 against, 1 abstention.
Director – 2-year term:  Bill Breckenridge
Vote: 28 for, 1 against, 1 abstention
Director – 1-year term:  Bill McKeen
Vote: 29 for, 1 against.

All three were elected. 

Motion:  To establish dues of $20.00 per year payable by 31 January for that year.
               Motion made by Al Mandell; seconded by David Oberholzer.
Discussion followed.  
Vote: 30 for; none against.  Motion passed. 

Motion:  To establish the title of “Reunion Chairman” for the individual hosting the reunion (rather than President as previously).

Motion made by Al Mandell; seconded by Vernon Stuard.
Discussion followed.
Vote: 29 for; 1 against.  Motion passed. 

Motion:  To elect a President of the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee.
Motion made by Bill Hager; seconded by Al Mandell.
Discussion followed.  
Vote: 29 for; 1 against.  Motion passed. 

Nominations were opened for the office of President.
              Jim Schreffler nominated by Bill Breckenridge – declined.
              Vernon Stuard nominated by Al Mandell – accepted.  Seconded by David Oberholzer. 

Motion:  To close nominations for the office of President.
Motion made by Tom Kelley; seconded by Al Mandell.
Vote: 30 for; 0 against.  Nominations closed.  

Discussion followed on the previous motion to elect a President.

Vote:  Vernon Stuard elected unanimously as President. 

Vernon Stuard resigned as 3-year term director to accept the office of President.

Nominations for a 3-year term Director were opened.
Bob Inks was nominated and the nomination was seconded. Nominations were closed.
Bob Inks was elected unanimously as the 3-year term Director.

Motion:  To request Bill Morton to remain as Newsletter Editor.

Motion made by Al Mandell; seconded by Bill Breckenridge.

Discussion followed: All hands enthusiastically agreed that Bill has done an outstanding job as Editor of the newsletter since its first issue in November 1989.  The newsletter is the glue that holds the organization together and without Bill’s tireless efforts to write and publish it, the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee would not exist today.

Vote:  Unanimous.  Bill Morton is requested to remain as newsletter Editor.


Motion:  1.  That all payments by shipmates for the reunion itself (meals, tours, etc.) are sent directly to the Reunion Chairman (host of the reunion) for use in setting up the reunion and separate from the general fund.  The Reunion Chairman will provide a financial report of the reunion funds to the President, Treasurer, newsletter editor (for inclusion in the newsletter) and the three other board members.  Any balance remaining from the reunion after all bills have been paid will be forwarded to the Treasurer for inclusion in the general fund.

2.       That all dues be sent to the Treasurer and be placed in the general fund for supporting publication of the newsletter and any other purpose that the board directs.  The Treasurer will provide financial reports of the general fund to the President, the board and the newsletter editor for inclusion in the newsletter.

Motion made by Al Mandell; seconded by Hank Hillbrook.

Discussion followed.  (Note:  See Bill Morton’s comments in newsletter #34 of June 2001, page 3, items 1, 3.)

Vote:  30 for; 0 against.  Motion passed. 

Nominations for the office of Secretary/Treasurer were opened.

David Oberholzer nominated by Wallace Lueck; seconded by Bill Hager - accepted.

Vote:   Unanimously  elected            David Oberholzer  Secretary/Treasurer
                                                        1370 Biafore Avenue
                                                        Bethlehem, PA  18017-1006
                                                        Phone:   610 694-0309

It was unanimously acclaimed that Herb and Aldine Potter and their family, daughter Suzanne Countie and son Stephen Potter did an outstanding job of putting together and hosting the Portsmouth reunion.

All the entertainment, the raffle of the beautiful Chelsea clock (which was won by Wayne Gaddis), the transportation to sites in and around Portsmouth and all the pictures on the screen during the meals were enjoyed by all hands. The TAPS ceremony at Friday night’s dinner was particularly poignant with the reading of the names of all departed shipmates, and many shipmates thought it would be wonderful to repeat it at subsequent reunions. 

Ed O’Brien volunteered to host the 2003 reunion in Cincinnatti, OH.

The meeting was adjourned at 1830.

      Respectfully submitted,

      David J. Oberholzer   Secretary/Treasurer 



The following is an addendum to the above minutes in regard to the last Motion, Parts 1 & 2: added and approved November 20, 2001. 

The method of payment of dues and reunion reservations (meals, tours etc.) has been changed by the Board of Directors from that described above to the following.

All payments from shipmates for dues, reservations for the reunion itself (meals, tours etc.), hats etc. shall be sent to the Treasurer who will be the custodian of all funds belonging to the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee in a single account established for that purpose. The Treasurer will dispense funds by check to those requiring them for the legitimate Activities of the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee. Each check paid from the account will require two signatures.

There will be three persons authorized to sign checks; the President, the Treasurer and the Newsletter Editor. Checks should be made payable to:  HAYNSWORTH REUNION COMMITTEE   

The address of the current Treasurer is shown above the addendum.

There are two reasons why the Directors made this change in the payment procedure.


1.       Newsletter Editor Bill Morton has informed us that the method upon which we agreed by vote is not permitted by the State of Illinois under whose laws we are currently incorporated. Auditors for the state will not audit multiple accounts in multiple locations. Bill also informed us that it is confusing to shipmates to have multiple addresses to which they send different payments (dues, hats, meals, tours etc.). In this revised method, all payments will be sent to one address (the Treasurer’s) and kept in one account.


2.       The Reunion Chairman for the 2002 reunion, Ray Kullnat, has corresponded with us and has indicated that he MUCH prefers that all funds for the reunion be sent to the Treasurer rather than himself. This frees him from the tasks of depositing and tracking individual payments. 


         Respectfully submitted,

         David J. Oberholzer    Secretary/Treasurer                                                                                                                   


© Copyright 2009 - Howard R. Doble, 50-52   (Image credits are shown)