Business Meeting
Minutes for 1 November 2002 – Myrtle Beach, SC
President Vernon Stuard called the meeting to order at 1330 with
51 members present.
Treasurer presented the Financial Report for the 3rd
Quarter 2002. The report showed a balance of
as of 30
September 2002.
To accept the Treasurer’s
report as presented:
Made by Raymond Wolf and Seconded by Howard Doble.
carried unanimously.
The Treasurer
presented a proposed form for future reunion reservations. It
included all even dollars for each meal or tour - no cents. It
also included the provision that any meal which is part of a tour,
such as this year’s lunch on the USS Yorktown, be included in the
price of the tour and so stated for clarity. The Treasurer also
requested that he have the final “chop” on the form before
publication because he is the person who must deal with all
reservation forms.
A discussion
about the
$120 per year paid for maintaining Bill Morton’s Haynsworth web
site which showed as a line item in the 3rd Quarter
Financial Report. Howard Doble volunteered to investigate the ISP
situation and report back.
Since the fee has been paid for 2001 and 2002, a motion was
made to table the item.
To table the discussion
about the fee for maintaining Bill Morton’s web site until the
next reunion:
Made by Vern Stuard; seconded by Jack Henline. Motion carried
New Business:
Nominations were opened for Newsletter Editor.
Howard Doble
was nominated by Marvin Plank. Howard declined the nomination
stating reasons for his declination.
Cleveland Bethune was nominated by Dewey Harper and seconded by
Marvin Plank.
Cleveland Bethune was elected Newsletter Editor unanimously.
Vernon Stuard
and Howard Doble made pleas for all hands to send “sea stories”
for publication to the new editor.
A discussion
began on the feasibility of obtaining a tax free number for use by
the organization to gain more favorable rates when posting the
newsletter. The Treasurer agreed to send a copy of the
incorporation papers to Cleveland.
(A Federal EIN number was obtained from the IRS by the Treasurer
on 11/14/02).
Nominations were opened to replace Board member Bill
McKeen whose one-year term has expired. The new Board member will
be elected for a 3-year term.
Schreffler was nominated by David Oberholzer and his nomination
was seconded by Ed O’Brien.
Howard Doble was nominated by himself but that nomination was
rejected as out of order.
Howard Doble was nominated by Bill Lyman and his nomination was
seconded by Bill Lang.
Bill Lang was nominated by Howard Doble and his nomination was
seconded by Raymond Wolf.
To close the nominations
for new Board member:
Made by Roy
Donahue; seconded by Marvin Plank.
Motion carried
Votes were then cast for a new Board member.
Jim Schreffler – 19: Howard Doble – 22: Bill Lang – 6
Total votes cast 47: Abstentions 4
Howard Doble
was elected a new Board member for 3 years.
The floor was
opened for nominations for Secretary/Treasurer.
Oberholzer was nominated by Ed O’Brien and his nomination was
seconded by Tom Kelly.
To close the floor for
nominations for Secretary/Treasurer:
Made by Dewey Harper; seconded by Tom Kelly. Motion carried
unanimously. Floor closed.
Vote on
Secretary/Treasurer: David Oberholzer elected unanimously.
To set the term for
Secretary/Treasurer to 3 years starting in 2002:
Made by David Oberholzer, seconded by Tom Kelly.
Motion carried unanimously.
Term is set for 3 years.
The floor was
opened for nominations for President.
Vernon Stuard
was nominated by Tom Kelly and seconded by Raymond Wolf.
Vote: Vernon Stuard elected
To set the term for
President to 1 year:
Made by Tom
Kelly; seconded by Howard Doble.
Motion carried.
Vote: 41 for, 9 opposed.
To replace Bill Morton, retiring Newsletter Editor as signatory on
checks with Cleveland Bethune, newly elected Newsletter Editor:
Made by Dewey Harper, seconded by David Oberholzer.
Motion carried
There was
discussion about Ship’s Store items (hats) and whether or not a
ship’s patch should be added.
Vernon Stuard
will look into it, get costs and put the information in the
Ed O’Brien briefly discussed the 2003
reunion in Cincinnati.
It will be held September 25 – 28, 2003 at the Drawbridge Inn on
Interstate 75 (7 miles from the Cincinnati Airport). Room rates
for the reunion will be $66 + tax = $73.88. There are many
attractions such as Newport Aquarium, levy complex, Wright –
Patterson Air Force Base Museum, 100 golf courses within 100
miles, gambling and horse racing and the country’s 3rd
largest zoo.
To have the Haynsworth Reunion Committee provide beer and liquor
for Shipmates at the 2003 reunion Hospitality Room:
Motion made
by (unknown), seconded by (unknown). (VCR tape ran out – paper
notes taken).
Motion failed: Vote: 11 for, 22
against, 18 abstentions. No liquor will be provided by the
To send the newsletter only to those Shipmates who pay dues:
made by (unknown), seconded by (unknown). (VCR tape ran out –
paper notes taken).
Motion failed:
Vote: 11 for, 32 against, 8 abstentions.
The newsletter will
continue to be sent to all hands on the mailing list.
It was
unanimously acclaimed that Ray and Reta Kullnat and their family,
did an outstanding job of putting together and hosting the Myrtle
Beach reunion.
To adjourn the meeting:
Made by Tom
Kelly, seconded by Henry Hillbrook. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned by President Stuard at 1530.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Oberholzer Secretary/Treasurer
and posted on the website Monday, 9 December 2002