USS Haynsworth DD700 DD700, Haynsworth, Destroyer, Destroyers, USS Haynsworth, USS Haynesworth, U.S.S. Haynsworth, WWII, World War, Navy Destroyers, website features this Navy Destroyers History, Crew Rosters, Reunion Photos
Last Updated 11/18/02


Financial Report of 2002 USS Haynsworth Reunion
31 October  to 3 November 2002
                     Myrtle Beach, SC  
Hosted by: Raymond C. & Retta Kullnat 

Number of attendees: 152 


Meals                                                               $7995.35

Tours                                                                 5618.50

                Total Reservations (155 people)     $13613.85 ------------> $13613.85


Other Sources (Thanks to Vern & Sherry Stuard)

50/50 Drawing                                                   $282.00

Clock Raffle                                                         405.00

Silent Auction (3 items)                                          58.00

                                     Total Other Sources      $745.00 ---------------> $745.00


                                    Total Receipts for Reunion                            $14358.85


Note: Dues paid at the Reunion are not included here but will be accounted for in the next financial report.



Meals (at Landmark Hotel)

Friday dinner (129)                                           $1935.00

Saturday breakfast (113)                                      762.75

Saturday Banquet (149)                                      2972.15

Sunday breakfast (119)                                      1514.70

                                    Total  meals                  $7184.60 ------------> $7184.60 

Patriot�s Point Tour

2 buses @ $575 each                                       $1150.00
Tour tickets (89)                                                   890.00
Lunch aboard USS Yorktown (87)                       634.23
                        Total Patriot�s Point Tour          $2674.23 -------------> $2674.23

Carolina Opry Tour
2 buses @ $375 each                                         $750.00
Opry tickets (90)                                                1984.00                                                       Total Carolina Opry Tour                                  $2734.00--------------> $2734.00 

Other Expenses

Reunion Host School                                            $75.00
Reunion Insurance                                                355.00
Name badges                                                         47.40
Coffee cups (144)                                                477.21
Music @ Saturday Banquet                                  350.00
Bartender @ banquet                                             64.50
Hospitality room sodas & snacks                          238.00
Tip for hotel set-up man � all functions                    50.00
Clock purchase                                                    129.90
50/50 payout                                                        141.00
Refunds: non attending or overpaying (4)               307.75

                        Total Other Expenses                $2235.76-------------->$2235.76 

                                                                        Total Expenses           $14828.59 

 Total Receipts                                               $14358.85

                           Less Total Expenses                                             - $14828.59

                                                                                           Deficit        - $469.74                                                 

                              Total contribution from General Fund                    $469.74


                                                                                           Respectfully submitted, 

                                                                               David J. Oberholzer,  Treasurer


Dated: November 18, 2002


� Copyright 2009 - Howard R. Doble, 50-52   (Image credits are shown)