USS Haynsworth DD700 DD700, Haynsworth, Destroyer, Destroyers, USS Haynsworth, USS Haynesworth, U.S.S. Haynsworth, WWII, World War, Navy Destroyers, website features this Navy Destroyers History, Crew Rosters, Reunion Photos



The dates were September 15th thru the 18, 2005




Below are the names of 45 SHIPMATES who plan to be at the REUNION
as of August 29, 2005


Aug 29, 2005


       NAMES                     WIVES            YRS    STATES 

Adkins,  Butch -------------[Judy             ]  59-61  West Virgina

Barnett, Anthony W.  ----[Martha A.    ] 58-61   New York

Bland,  Richard  -----------[Irma             ]  55-58  Illinois

Burke,       Ronald B.------[Virginia        ] 48-49   Florida

Canfield,   Bob -------------[                      ]  44-46  Pennsylvania

Cochran,     John F. -------[                      ]  51-54  Ohio

Davison,  John C. ----------[Lorene          ]  51-53  Missouri

Doble,      Howard R. -----[Barbara        ]  50-52  North Carolina

Donohue,  Roy -------------[Gail               ]  51-53  Florida

Dowdy,  Roy L.  -----------[Elaine W       ]  50-53  Georgia  ***

Gilcrest,   Dana H.  -------[Evelyn M.      ]  53-55  Ohio

Griffth,  Samuel G. -------[Alice M          ]  54-56  Ohio  

Gross,      Jack -------------[Sherry           ]  62-64  Missouri

Hager,      C.W. [Bill] ----[Nancy             ]  55-58  Delaware

Hannah,  Bill  --------------[ Peggy            ]  53-54  Georgia  ***

Henline,    Jack R.     -----[Marilene        ]  59-61  Ohio        ***

Hillbrook,  Henry N -----[                         ]  45-46  Ohio

Horn,          James F. ----[Christina         ]  58-60  Pennsylvania

Jenkins,   Kenneth J.  ---[Maxine            ]  51-54  Nevada

Jenkins,   Harold M. ----[Leslie               ]  55-59  Vermont

Jones,      Ronald  --------[Barbara Ann  ]  57-59  Maryland ***

Kelly,  Thomas E. -------[Joyce                ]  48-50  Florida

Kress,  Lee ----------------[Carol                ]  59-62  Ohio

Lang,       B.W. [Bill] ----[Marie               ]  50-50  Michigan

Learson,   Harold W. ----[Harriet           ]  54-57  Maine

Maugel,   Edwin  ---------[Marian            ]  44-46  Ohio

May,         Porter E.   ----[Ginny              ]  53-54  Pennsylvania

Moore,     Paul A. --------[                         ]  50-55  Michigan

Murphy,  James  M.-----[Mary A            ]  57-63  Florida

Oberholzer, David J. ---[Barbara           ]  57-59  Pennsylvania

O'Brien,  Edward J. ----[Katherine        ]  57-60  Ohio

Pankake,  Christian R.-[Janet                 ]  50-52  Pennsylvania

Rice,   Melvin  -----------[Jo Ann              ]  54-56  North Carolina

Saluski, William Bill.  –[Jacquelyn         ]  52-55  Illinois

Schreffler,   James T.---[Bernetta           ]  56-59  Pennsylvania

Schultz,  Joseph (Joe) –[Faith S.             ]  61-64  Indiana

Shail,        Richard A.---[Joanie               ]  55-59  Indiana     ***

Sleggs,     John R. -------[Margret            ] 56-58   New York ***

Stickles,    Charles A ---[Patricia             ] 56-59   Michigan

Stuard,  Vernon A ------[Sherry              ]  54-56  Texas

Sublett,   Joseph [Joe] –[Ginger              ]  60-62  Ohio

Thompson, Tommy  ----[Rose M             ]  54-58  Ohio  ***

Timm,   Marvin A.  -----[Lois                  ]  49-50   Minnesota

White,  Ramon E.  ------[ Mary Lou        ]  46-48  Ohio 

Wolf,  Raymond G. -----[ Darlene           ]  50-54   Indiana


© Copyright 2009 - Howard R. Doble, 50-52   (Image credits are shown)