OCTOBER 27 2007
Ed Timm opened the meeting at 1400. Howard Doble gave the
invocation. 38 Shipmates were present.
President’s Remarks: President
Timm asked all new shipmates attending the reunion for the first
time to introduce themselves. The following shipmates:
James J. Finnerty, SN (62-63)
Victor R. McElhattan, SOG3, (56-57)
Sherwood L. Dugan, SN (53-54) Roger
H. Grant, IC3 (58-60)
Introduced them selves. They were greeted
with a round of applause.
Ed thanked Jim Horn for the wonderful
2006 reunion he and Chris hosted in Norfolk VA.
Jim announced that he and Chris will
host the 2008 reunion in Jacksonville FL on October 8th, 9th, 10th
& 11th. He and Chris have booked the Crowne Plaza
Hotel on the St. John’s River for the reunion hotel. The room
rate will be $92.00 per night ($20 additional for a river front
room). Those rates are guaranteed for 3 days before and 3 days
after the reunion. More information will follow in the
The 2009 reunion will be held in Kansas
City MO and will be hosted by Jack and Sherry Gross in late
August or early September.
Business: Howard
Doble was thanked for the great job he is doing to maintaining
the database and Haynsworth web site. (
A motion
was made by Peter Glenn and seconded by Sam Griffin to maintain
Bill Morton’s web site, which contains historical data about the
ship. The cost is $150.00 per year. The motion carried
unanimously. One error in the history was noted: The USS
Haynsworth went to the bottom of the South China Sea in 2001,
not the Red Sea in 1999.
ensued concerning the crew information booklet, which Howard
Doble prepared for the 2006 reunion. Howard explained that it
was very time consuming to do the work necessary to prepare the
booklet and very expensive to have it published. No motion was
made and the matter was dropped.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jim Horn reported that as of October 26, 2007 the Reunion
has a
balance of $16,028.56. See detailed report in the newsletter.
Motion to accept the report made by Gordon Wolf and seconded by
Harold Learson. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion followed on putting some money in a CD or other
investment to earn interest. Consensus was that it would
involve filing paperwork with the IRS and possibly loosing our
non-profit status.
of Officers: Jim
Schreffer was nominated by Gordon Wolfe to the Board of
Directors for a 2nd , 3-year term. The nomination
was seconded by Bill Hager. Jim was elected unanimously.
Bill Hanna
nominated Ed Timm for a 2nd , 1-year term as
Schreffler seconded the nomination. Ed was unanimously elected
to another
term. Bill Hager volunteered to return
as Editor of the newsletter for another year.
It was suggested that a sympathy card be printed with the
picture of the ship and words of condolence, which could be sent
by the Reunion Secretary, to the family of a shipmate who has
passed away. This card, with different wording, could be sent to
welcome new members to the organization. The cost would be paid
by the Reunion Treasurer. Motion was made to accept this idea by
Ed O’Brien and seconded by Howard Doble. Motion passed
Howard Doble discussed the reality of the
dwindling number of shipmates with approximately 3000 in the
database and 627 newsletters going out to active shipmates. He
made a plea for a back-up person for the database and a back-up
person for his website. David Oberholzer will try to get up to
speed on Microsoft Access (on which Howard has the database) to
be a back up. No one volunteered to be back up for the website.
A lengthy discussion ensued concerning
whether the dues information should reside in more than one
place, i.e. the Treasurers data.
Secretary’s note: This subject was
discussed previously on 27 September 2003 in Fort Mitchell, KY
and the minutes of that discussion are reprinted here:
Howard Doble has indicated that information regarding dues
should be forwarded to him for inclusion in his database.
Discussion was held concerning why Howard needs this
information. If it is put into the database, will it be
available to all members who can access the web site? The
Treasurer explained that the information could be in a database
without being on the web site and that it is also possible to
enter information in the database that would require a password
to access by authorized persons only.
Motion: That
the confidentially of dues payment information held between the
member and the Treasurer be continued. Made by Ed O’Brien,
Seconded by Gordon Wolf.
passed unanimously.
Note: It
was decided to revisit this issue at the 2004 reunion when
Howard could explain to the membership the need for dues
information in the database.
Finally a motion was made by Harold
Learson and seconded by Roger Grant that the Officers of the
Reunion Committee be tasked to construct a system of checks and
balances to insure the preservation of the integrity and
contents of the treasury. This might include insurance and/or
bonding of the treasurer and/or possible signing limits for
checks drawn on the treasury. The motion carried unanimously.
Jim Horn pointed out that the Treasurer
could be audited at any time!
Secretary’s note: In support of Jim
Horn’s statement above, the following excerpt from the
organization’s by-laws is reprinted:
By-Laws “USS Haynsworth Reunion
Adopted 27 September 2003, amended 25
September 2004
ARTICLE 6 Officers’ Duties
Officers and Board of Directors may call for an audit of the
Treasurer’s records of the organization’s accounts at any time
for cause.
There being no further business, the
meeting was adjourned at 1513.
Respectfully submitted,
David J. Oberholzer (for)
James M. Murphy Secretary
