President Ed Timm called the
meeting to order at 1500 with
shipmates present. Ed Timm led all hands in the
Pledge of Allegiance and Howard Doble gave the invocation.
President's Remarks:
President Ed Timm welcomed all
shipmates and asked for all plank owners and first timers to
stand and introduce themselves. We had no plank owners and one
first timer - Art Charette, ENS (47-49)
We had a small turnout due to
illnesses and other circumstances, but it was a good group.
Bravo Zulu to David Oberholzer
for taking the minutes last year due to the absence of the
Secretary Jim Murphy.
Ed Timm
showed the group examples of the card which David Oberholzer
sends out to welcome new shipmates and a sympathy cards to
families of shipmates that have passed away. David Oberholzer
writes a personal note with each card stating when they served
on board the USS HAYNSWORTH and -what they did while
on board and forwards it to President Ed Timm who signs the
cards with a blue pen which makes it more personal and it
indicates it is an original and not a copy.
Special thanks to Bill Hager for
the great job he is doing as Editor of the Newsletter, and
thanks for the great job hosting the 2007 reunion in
Philadelphia. Bill also said he would not be able to continue as
Editor of the Newsletter. We are looking for some volunteers to
take over this job next year.
Thanks to Howard Doble for the great job he is doing with
the Website.
Thanks to Jim and Chris Horn for hosting the Jacksonville
We recognized
our recently deceased past President Vern Stuard for his time
and dedication to the USS HAYNSWORTH reunions, and also
recognized all shipmates and their spouses in attendance.
President Ed Timm admitted how easy his job was due to the
highly competent and motivated staff he has. Just a little
Treasurer's Report:
Jim Horn reported that as of
September 30 2008 the Reunion Committee had a balance of
$19,863.86. A copy of the financial report for 3rd Quarter 2008
was given to all shipmates in the welcoming package. Motion to
accept by Jim Schreffler and seconded by Raymond Wolf. There was
no discussion. Motion carried. The Treasurer sends out a
checking account balance monthly and quarterly to the President
for accountability of funds.
A notice of renewal for our
incorporation certificate from the state of Illinois was sent to
President Timm by Bill Morton for renewal. Ed forwarded the
information and a check in the amount of $5.00 for payment.
Old Business:
A Motion was made by Howard
Doble to continue paying the $150.00 for Bill Morton's website
for another year. Motion was seconded by Raymond Wolf. Motion
carried without discussion.
A Motion was made to donate
$700.00 to the Tin Can Sailor Association by Raymond. Wolf.
Motion and was seconded by Howard Doble. Motion
carried without
Howard Doble relayed a request from Sherry Stuard that if the
Association was planning on honoring Vernon Stuard that she and
the family would appreciate a donation towards cost of a
Memorial Brick inscribed with Vernon Stuard’s name as well as
the USS Haynsworth. Howard had talked to Sherry Stuard at the
request of Ed Timm in an e-mail dated prior to Vern’s death. The
Memorial Brick would be placed in the Memorial Garden at the
Hospice House in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Horn made the point that in doing something like that it would
set a precedent and create all kinds of problems, considering
the number of shipmates that had died this year. Howard Doble
refuted that, stating that not one of the 16 that passed away
this year had served this Association as Vern and Sherry had for
over five years during the reconstruction of this Association.
In discussing the matter it was determined that it would not be
feasible to do something like this. No Motion or Vote
was made at that time.
Next year's reunion will be
hosted by Jack and Sherry Gross in Independence, Missouri. Dates
will be October 15, 16 and 17, 2009. Details to follow. Thanks
to Jack and Sherry.
Ed Timm suggested that all of us
should be contacting old shipmates that we know and remind them
of the reunions and invite them to the reunions stressing how
much fun we have talking about our life on board and what has
happened to us through the many years.
Hosts for the 2010 reunion
will l
be Jim and Chris Horn and will
be held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Hosts for the 2011 reunion
will be Jim and Ann Murphy Possible location may be Savannah,
Nomination and Election of Officers and Board Members:
Jim Murphy nominated Ed Timm
President. Nomination closed. Motion carried.
Jim Schreffler nominated Jim Murphy for Secretary Nomination
closed Motion carried
John Sleggs nominated Jim Horn for Treasurer Nomination closed Motion
Jack Gross was nominated to replace Howard Doble as a new board
member Nomination closed Motion carried.
Installation of officers was
scheduled to take place at the end of the Saturday Banquet.
of the Order:
Howard Doble stated at the end of the meeting that he would not
Host the USS Haynsworth website after this year.
NO Reason Offered! Although he served as webmaster for
nearly 10 years?
It was decided that Jim Horn
would contact David Oberholzer about this. Jim said that there
is another possibility. We may be able to use the Military.Com
for our new website. More information to follow.
Newsletter Editor is not an
elected position. Bill Hager has been the editor since December
2003, but he can no longer do it as both he and his wife are
still working fulltime. We need someone to take over the duties
of Newsletter Editor. We need a volunteer to become the new
Newsletter Editor. If not we may not have a
Newsletter! ! !
Having no further business,
the business meeting adjourned at 1550
Editorial Note:
After receiving a
copy of the Jacksonville Business Meeting in the January 2009
Newsletter, I
edited and prepared it to be published. I also
felt compelled to correct the items that have been highlighted
in red.