

USS Haynsworth Reunion

October 08th --- October 12th 2008

Crowne Plaza Hotel

21 Shipmates in Attendance
at the
2008 Jacksonville Florida Reunion
Last Name First Name Rank/Rate Yrs on the 700 State Wife E-Mail Address 2008-R- Attended PHOTO
Alesio Carl F. ME3/c 48-50 NY Helen calesio001@nycap.rr.com -1 -1
Charette Cdr. Author ENS 47-49 CA Emily C. authchar@aol.com -1 -1
Cochran John F. FN 52-54 OH Frances C. JFCochran@neo.rr.com -1 -1
Doble Howard R. FN 50-52 NC Barb as a Howard5052@Charter.net -1 -1
Donohue Roy N. SO3 51-54 FL Gail L. Gailsway@aol.com -1 -1
Dowdy Roy L. MM2 50-53 GA Elaine W. twodowdy@bellsouth.net -1 -1
Fanus Sr. Kenneth E. MM3 61- 63 PA Sally A.
-1 -1
Gross Jack L. EM1 62-64 MO Cheryl L. jsgr144@comcast.net -1 -1
Hannah William P. FP3/c 53-55 GA Peggy unfixer@aol.com -1 -1
Harper Dewey G SN 51-53 TN Virginia A.
-1 -1
Horn James Francis RD3/c 58-60 PA Christina haynsworth@comcast.net -1 -1
Kelly Jr. Maurice J. SN 50-53 VT Loretta J.
-1 -1
Lewis Raymond C. MM3 56-57 NJ Geraldine M. Gzlew@verizon.net -1 -1
Mennette Michael E. EM1/c 44-47 NY Madeline F.
-1 -1
Murphy James M. SM2/c 57-60 FL Ann Mary RAZORBACK234@msn.com -1 -1
Neff William D EM3/c 53-56 PA REGINA RNeff243@aol.com -1 -1
Perriccio Joseph M. RMSN 53-55 NC Patricia S. navyman700@yahoo.com -1 -1
Schreffler James T. BT3/c 56-59 PA Bernetta I. pappyschref@yahoo.com -1 -1
Sleggs John R. MM3 56-57 NY Margaret johnr141@yahoo.com -1 -1
Thompson Thomas W. MM3 54-58 OH Rose Marie TomTmm35458@comcast.net -1 -1
Timm Capt. Edward SO2/c 56-58 NJ Bettie ET3RD@aol.com -1 -1
Wolf Raymond G. BM2/c 50-54 IN Darlene Boats700@aol.com -1 -1





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� Copyright 2009 - Howard R. Doble, 50-52   (Image credits are shown)