Dear Shipmates,
of you who attended the Arlington 2004 Reunion may recall --- a
“USS Haynsworth DVD Photo Slideshow” was played on a
large-screen television in the hospitality room. Unfortunately,
the hotel did not provide us with an appropriate size room and
even the TV set until late in the day. My original idea was to
produce and present a Slideshow from Photos of The Ship,
The Crew, The Membership and from photos taken
from past Reunions, as well as personal photos --- that
could be played with some soft background music for all to
enjoy. This project was my first attempt and I wasn't at all
pleased with the results. My wife questioned why I made some
additional copies, but I thought possibly some others might like
to have a copy, and one DVD disc was offered at the silent
auction, and was sold for $20.00 which went to the Association.
The remaining copies that I carried were sold quickly. I
promised those that purchased the original Discs that when I had
time, I would redo it and send them a free updated version. WELL
--- finally it's done --- and I'm quite pleased with it --- it
contains over 500 Photographs, 10 Chapters and the video and
background music plays quite smoothly for over an hour on your
home television.
have heard from most that they, their family, their
grandchildren, etc. have enjoyed viewing all the Photos of the
Haynsworth, as well as many Shipmates from our days aboard our
ship. Their families have a better understanding of what all
this “Happy H” stuff is all about. In addition others have
expressed interest in purchasing a copy either for themselves,
or as a gift.
price of the “DVD Photo Slideshow” is only $15.00 including shipping
checks for the DVD should be made out and mailed to:
Howard R. Doble
4081 Section House Road
Hickory, North Carolina 28601
DVD will be Mailed US Postal promptly.
people that purchased the DVDs had NO problem playing it
on their home DVD player, but I caution you in advance some
older DVD players may not read the disc, but if your player is
less than two years old it should play just fine.